Central to MIGSAA’s mission is making young people aware of how exciting work within this field can be. MIGSAA strongly believes that everybody who wishes to should be able to pursue further studies in Mathematics. Diversity is essential to the creation of a cohort who will not only support one another, but learn from each other.
Qualified women and men are equally encouraged to apply. We are also able to discuss possibilities with qualified people who may need to study part-time, people returning to academic study after a break and those from non-standard backgrounds. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We would like to use MIGSAA as a trail blazer within the departments and both partner universities to promote cultural change in relation to equality and diversity and would welcome suggestions on activities we could do to further this.
In this we are supported by EPSRC, the primary funder of MIGSAA, as well as the Scottish Funding Council, Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh.
We both hold a Bronze Award from Athena SWAN.
MIGSAA is a supporter of the London Mathematical Society Good Practice Scheme.