Our research
Structure & Symmetry
Focused on fundamental research in pure mathematics and mathematical physics, the theme covers algebraic geometry, algebraic number theory, algebraic topology, category theory, geometric group theory, non-commutative algebra, mathematical physics, and representation theory.
EDGE Seminar
The Geometry seminar is held every Tuesday, 3:30-4:30pm normally in the main seminar room at the Bayes Centre (5th floor, room 5.10), but for up-to-date information follow the link on the right.
EMPG Seminar
The seminars of the Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group (EMPG) take place on Wednesday afternoons. For further information on EMPG, its members and the seminar times following the link on the right.
The seminar take place on Tuesday afternoons. For the seminar times check the link on the right
Mathematical Physics
Quantum field theory, conformal field theory, topological and integrable solitons, integrability, statistical mechanics, gauge theory, twistor theory, string theory, non-commutative geometry in string theory, field theory and quantum gravity, geometry of supersymmetry and supergravity, AdS/CFT duality, holography, black holes, aspects of quantum gravity. For details, see the webpage of the Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group (EMPG).
Algebra and Representation Theory
Algebraic combinatorics, Lie theoretic representation theory, noncommutative algebra, noncommutative geometry, representations of quivers. For details see the webpage of the Hodge Institute.
Algebraic and Symplectic Geometry
Birational algebraic geometry, derived categories and their applications, moduli spaces, derived algebraic geometry, singularity theory, toric geometry. For details see the webpage of the Hodge Institute.
Groups, semigroups and geometry
Geometric, combinatorial and computational group theory, low-dimensional topology, groups and connections to theoretical computer science, group actions in nonpositive curvature, semigroups and operator algebras. For details, see the MAXIMALS webpage.
algebraic topology and Category theory
We have strong and well-developed interests in higher-dimensional algebraic topology, category theory and its applications, and the geometry of algebraic numbers. For details see the webpage of the Hodge Institute.