People Details
Research interests: Partial differential equations and mathematical modelling
Gissell graduated from the University of Strathclyde where she found her passion for PDEs and research. In her final year she worked on a project where she could combine aspects of physics with mathematics to model the air flowing around particular shapes. While her interests are more applied than theoretical, she is very interested in exploring other fields MIGSAA will offer her. In her free time she enjoys dancing and long walks. She likes to play the guitar and volleyball.
In her extended project she worked on the analysis of blow up solutions to a semilinear parabolic equation, combining numerics and analysis. For the rest of her PhD she will dig deeper into this area with the aim to carry out numerical analysis and modelling of nonlinear diffusion equations in biology such as Keller-Segel equation for chemotaxis reactions. Her future work aims to derive Keller-Segel-like equations involving nonlocal, fractional Laplacians from microscopic models, which might have applications to other related biological diffusion processes, like animal movement or the spreading of diseases.In her extended project she worked on the analysis of blow up solutions to a semilinear parabolic equation, combining numerics and analysis. For the rest of her PhD she will dig deeper into this area with the aim to carry out numerical analysis and modelling of nonlinear diffusion equations in biology such as Keller-Segel equation for chemotaxis reactions. Her future work aims to derive Keller-Segel-like equations involving nonlocal, fractional Laplacians from microscopic models, which might have applications to other related biological diffusion processes, like animal movement or the spreading of diseases.